Technical specifications:
- Dough weight on each nozzle is independently regulated from 20 up to 120 gr per product unit.
- High precision volumetric dosing type horizontal format with a hooper capacity between 160 and 180 liters.
- Volumetric dosing base for each muffin.
- Dosing quantities are adjustable on row by tray or independently by dosing base to allow weight calibration with
a high precision. - Dough stripe equipped with razor of end‐cut to achieve a free‐dripping
- High precision servo motor actuators.
- The system allows dough dosing with chocolate chips, fruit or other ingredients mixed within the dough.
- Compressed air consumption: 750 liter/hour ‐ 7 bars.
- Electrical consumption: 3 Kw/hour – 3×380+N+G Acv 50 Hz.
- Maximum production speed: 20 cycles/minute
- Main frame, protections, covers, pipes, screws, and all metallic components are made of stainless Steel or
aluminum food grade certificated. Plastics and other material in contact with food are FDA or UE 10/2011